Eyebrow Waxing


For those looking for long-lasting shaped eyebrows that can last up to 4-weeks, Eyebrow Waxing is ideal. Our stylists can create defined and beautifully shaped eyebrow looks with precision eyebrow waxing or eyebrow threading. If you have quickly growing or overgrown brows, or brows that you struggle to control, then eyebrow waxing or eyebrow threading is the way to go.

Our experienced team of stylists at Glow Up can create defined and beautifully shaped eyebrow looks with precision eyebrow waxing.

Are you ready to schedule eyebrow waxing services at Glow Up? Book an appointment at Glow Up now!

Is eyebrow waxing for me?

There’s no way around it, if left alone our eyebrows will take on a life of their own. Eyebrow waxing is ideal for those looking for long-lasting shaped eyebrows that can last up to four weeks. For those who have quickly growing or overgrown brows, or brows they struggle to control, then eyebrow waxing is an ideal solution.

Brow Waxing Price List

Should you choose to work with a Senior or Master Stylist there will be a small up-charge to these prices.

Savings Plan Members Standard Price
Brow Waxing Savings Plan Members $20 Standard Price $25

Brow Waxing services at Glow Up

Brow waxing allows our stylists to define your brows and clean up out-of-place hairs. We use exclusively use professional wax from Cirépil by PERRON RIGOT of Paris. Our eyebrow waxes are gluten free and paraben free, have a vegan formula, and are cruelty free.

The eyebrow waxing process

  1. As with all beauty services at Glow Up, it all starts with a consultation. Everyone’s face and eye shape is different so it is important to assess everyone individually and design and agree an eyebrow waxing approach together.

  2. Then we cleanse and mark out the precise hair removal lines. This process is often calls “mapping”.

  3. The stylist then applies the wax to the areas where hair is to be removed and gently strips the eyebrow hair before the wax has completely set.

  4. To wrap up, your stylist may trim and shape the remaining brow hairs to complete the look.

  5. Finally you are wiped down and you are ready to see your new brows!

Eyebrow waxing near me

Are ready to experience an eyebrow waxing service from a team of elite stylists? Are you saying to yourself “I wish I could find a brow waxing near me.”? Then look no further! The elite stylists at Glow Up have got you covered! Whether you are searching for Lash Lifts, full set of Lash Extensions or Brow Waxing near me, the Glow Up Team are the Special Forces of the lash and beauty business! Book an appointment at Glow Up now!